A Letter Written on Jan 16, 1941

101 Coniston Avenue
Waterbury, Connecticut

Jan, 16, 1941

Dear Bessie,

How's the reading coming? Here's some more reading matter but not quite as intellectual.

The weather is terrible in Waterbury just now snow & sleet etc.

Lucky it was last night that your father & I went to Seymour Stamp Club instead of to-night. We did have a pretty good time, good eats, and the speaker from New Haven had some very interesting material on "Architecture & Stamps." We went in style too, believe it or not, we had a chauffeur and all.

My brother drove us down in his car.

I suppose I told you that I turned in the old Rev for a 1937 International Truck Panel body. Looks like an undertakers wagon, all painted Black. I promise you next time I take you out you won't have to hold the door shut. ! ! !

Have you seen the new envelope stamps? All I've seen are pictures. Hope to get one to mail this letter in but I doubt that they are in Waterbury yet.

I see you have at least two smart girls in your dorm, only one left now. When you see a millionaire grab him, above all don't marry any poor man. From my knowledge of a certian [sic] minister's daughter she is nobody's fool so not knowing any others from the dorm, I say only one left now.

Well, I didn't know what I was going to say when I started and when I read it over wonder if anything I say is worth writing, above all worth taking all the time it must take you to decipher my wonderful penmanship.

They have let the contract for refinishing & completing the Bunker Hill Church and I didn't get it either. It's too big a job to tackle at present for me. They let it to Megin [?] from Naugatuck.

Well if you start looking for the difference between labor & capital, just remember that capital is the stuff you lend and labor is what you do trying to get it back. They pulled that at stamp club Monday evening.

Over another sheet so I guess I had better shut down, put on the brakes and come to finish for the simple reason I have nothing more to say.

I hope you are in the best of health & best wishes for the midyears.

Your friend,

P.S. No new envelopes. ! ! ! ! ! - -