A Letter Written on Feb 25, 1939

[Some paragraph breaks added for ease of reading.]

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.

Saturday 5 P.M.

My own dear little girl:-

I hope everything is going O.K. to-day and that the box has arrived safely. Papa and I thought it would be nice for you to have a Birthday Cake for Sally on her Birthday. I am glad the pendant was O.K. I was a little anxious about it.

Papa is out calling. We have been so busy with the Anniversary Program. This morning, he received a check from Mrs. Tuttle for one hundred dollars. Wasn't that nice - Then he had received 3 25 dollar checks - and one - $10 check - so all together - he has gotten $185 himself. To-morrow the pink subscription cards will be handed in - but the drive for the $1150 - will be carried on indefinitely. My Bible Class has not given anything yet. The Ladies Aid has given the chicken pie dinner, the Dramatic Guild has given the 2 evenings of plays (they were excellent) and the Fidelity Bible Class - took charge of the Anniversary Supper but of course they did not charge for that. It was what they call a pot-luck supper - everybody brought a dish of something and coffee and rolls - and dessert - were furnished by the class.

Whenever you decide to come home it will be O.K. Just let us know ahead, so that we may make our plans accordingly. I am glad that we do not have anniversaries continually.

They are a job. There is a funny kind of sore throat going around. I have it to-day and it looks as if the duet I was going to sing to-morrow with Mrs. Williams - will not be sung. You do not run any temperature but you ache a little and your eyes burn. Mrs. Floyd had it last Sunday - couldn't go to Christian Science Church in the evening where she is soloist, but her voice was fine again on Wednesday. My throat is raw and I have been gargling with salt and water and inhaling the steam - but although it is much improved - it is quite prostrating. It is queer. Mrs. Weyh - has it and the announcer on the Children's program to-day - had it - and he said his throat was so swollen - that if he passed out in the middle of the program - be just couldn't help it. He was all in. I am glad you do not run a temperature with it. Mrs. Gifford has been very sick with streptococcus - throat. He had to have a trained nurse. She is better now - sitting up and will soon be back to school teaching. The students have 10 day recess - beginning Monday - and that will give her 10 days more to get her strength back.

It said in the weather report that we would have rain and sleet to-night - but so far it is clear. Papa and I are wondering whether you will have the spread downstairs or up in your room. We bought a get-well card for Mr. MacNamara. Papa wondered whether he is well again and won't need the card - but we will send it any way - There is a new pea soup called "Habitant" - I am going to try it to-night for supper, only 10 cents for a large can and Miss Davis says it is excellent.

Had to go to the Dentist's - yesterday the tooth he is treating is progressing nicely. It is such a comfort to have the heater in the car. Tried to get the cheese Waffers in Kresge's and they do not carry them anymore. I was disappointed for they are not worth 29 cents - when you could get them in a card board box for 10 cents and you know they are only ice cream cones - flavored with a little cheese and cut to shape.

It seems so good to see the sidewalks - clear of snow. The ice has begun to get on people's nerves. Wednesday - on account of the light snow-storm in the morning - which melted and froze by evening - some of the people were afraid to venture out to the supper. The Cake looked beautiful with the 115 candles. Papa got white holders and candles - and the cake was white. We took down our tea-wagon and Marshal Long wheeled the lighted cake into the Dining Room. The electric were turned out just before he wheeled it in - It made a beautiful spectacle - and as he wheeled it in - the guests (100) sang "Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow." We had 16 at the Speakers Table.

We had a strike at the Rubber Co. but it didn't amount to anything - The members - of the Union wanted to force the non-union men to join the Union - but it all petered out. Make good write-ups for the newspapers - but that was all. Too-bad - White wasn't here - He would have enjoyed it.

Papa is home now, and will mail this mail bag is locked at 7. P.M. on Saturdays.

Love and kisses from the whole family