Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.Dear Bessie;-
Just a few words, as a token that we think of our little girl all the time.
We certainly have been kept busy these last few days. Next week I am scheduled to perform three weddings -- Wed. in Claymont and two in Naugatuck Church on Sat. Last evening the Epworth League had an Oak-Toe-Burr Party. There were 24 present, including Mama and me. They all entered into all the games enthusiastically. Things went off with quite a zipp. In fact, one item was too zippy:-- Two of the boys got into a fight-- and I had to wade in and separate them. Otherwise the affair was a big success.
Keep on the watch for parcels. One never can tell but what one might arrive at any time.
Here are the stamps I that [sic] soaked off the fiber case.
Multis cum milibus basiorum --
X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X etc etc
from Mama and
Papa.Saturday, October 8, 1938.