A Letter Written on Jan 9, 1941

Jan. 9, 1941
10:45 P.M.

Dear Bessie,

Just a few lines, I received your letter this morning, but didn't read it until I was in my one o'clock class when Bill brought it down, I didn't have time to go up to the house at noon. I thought I'd drope [sic] a line now, because I can't study. There is [sic] four fellows in here playing cards on my bed & the radio is going full blast.

What a gang in this house, gosh if I was to room by my-self now I think I'd go batty, kind of use[d] to a lot of racket. We have hockey practice every afternoon & this afternoon from 4 until 7:15. Boy what a long session it was 7:45 by the time I finished supper. Our first hockey game is in Brattleboro Vt. this coming Sat. & next week there is three games, Mon. Wed & Fri. and all away at that.

In regard to this Sat. night I won't be able to make it, because I can't tell when we will get back from Vt. & then Sat. night is our biggest basketball game of the season we play Amherst College in our gym. But will come over some other Sat. night if it's O.K. with you. How did your exams marks come out that you took before our Xmas vacation. I did alright by my self my lowest mark was 90 in five subjects. Right on the Ball But can't get in the mood for studying sence [sic] vacation.

Doris address is:
    Doris Sandell
        New Haven Rd.
            Naugatuck -

Well the card game has finially [sic] broke up so I'll get back to Vet. Sci. again.

Hurriedly Howard