A Letter Written on Feb 15, 1941

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Dear little Girl:-

Thank you for the Valentine I liked it so much for it looked just like you when you were little. It had that sort of virile or should I say vibrant atmosphere about it.

I have just washed the collar to my gown - I wish that you were here to attach it. We received your welcome letter this A.M. Papa will send the Feb. Fee the middle of next week if Mr. Calvert - comes across and I imagine he will.

Papa met a nice Yale Divinity Student named John Foster - who is director of Young Peoples work at South Federated Church, Waterbury. He was over at the E. L. Rally. Papa liked him - he is a grad of West Virginia Wesleyan - He is a friend of Charlie Darsie. We are going to have him to dinner - sometime when you are home. That is the Southern way. If he is a friend of a friend of yours - he is your friend. He says Charlie went to Texas - but it didn't work out - so the Dean gave him a job in California - so Charlie married a girl in his hometown - and went to Cal. where they and 2 other couples - are doing work in this church which is evidently a big church. This Mr Foster is living at Yale. Papa says he is very nice looking.

Here are the addresses of the Marion girls - Mr. Marion was so nice - to Papa - so I know they would appreciate cards.

Jean Marion,
Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Lynchburg, Va.

Margaret Marion,
Drew Seminary
Carmel, N.Y.

I read this letter to Papa - and he said that Charlie was one of 3 assistants - and that he did not say that the other 2 were married - or that his wife had anything to do with the work - so I got it slightly mixed. - but it is clean now.

[Change of handwriting from Mamma's to Pop's]

A nice birthday card arrived this morning which your Pop was delighted to receive - as well as the charming valentine which came right on time yesterday. We were pleased to see the marks, as proof that your work is good.

As soon as I can, I shall speed you a little of the needful.

Miss Hussey is a very fine scholar, who knows her subject thoroughly. And in a small class there is a better opportunity to get what she has to give than in a larger group. A prosy teacher in a large class is terrible. But in a small class the closer contact helps a lot. Moreover O.T. poetry is wonderful subject-matter. So cheer up! (I speak, from my own experience with several profs. especially Faulkner at Drew.)

Your proud parents send their love in large and juicy chunks to their adorable child.

Oceans of lotions,

Feb. 15/41