A Letter Written on Feb 11, 1942

Dear little Girl. Papa went to N.Y. to-day and bought you 2 vests. If they are not right - do not keep them but send them back. I gave Papa a sample of the ones you had had - and the girl said that was the nearest to the sample. Papa also sent up a jar of the cleansing cream you like for a little present. They are evidently going to make a change in the container for Papa got it for .69 - plus postage and plus luxury tax - but with that added on - it was less than 1.00 the reg. price. I forgot to say - try and get as much sleep as you can - in the daytime or any time you can grab a little. That is the best nerve builder there is. One of the athlete's - said it again over the air. Am enclosing another ck. [no longer with this letter]

Love from us all.

Feb. 11, 1942