A Letter Written on Feb 19, 1942

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Feb. 19, 1942.

Dear little Girl:- Am enclosing very important clipping. I wonder if you have seen it. Papa was I were very glad that he hadn't accepted your invitation to the "Prom" - Who would have thought that the night before the Dance - Sanford would be in jail - Papa said - very pertinently - that he had "another date". I imagine that he will try and make it a "test case" but he can never live long enough - to live it down. What a pity!! Papa says that he has been under the influence of some professor - and that professor - like a lot of other yellow dogs - has left Sanford holding the bag. I was glad his name was given as Frederick - for I imagine the people won't recognize him - as a preacher - in our pulpit. I hope so at least.

They caught a spy in Oxford yesterday. A man was going past a little store - and he heard what sounded like "static." He said to himself - "the weather is good - there is no cause for "static" - Then he walked back past the store - and heard it again[.] He went right down - and got some police - and they went in - and caught the man - sending a message. The police say that he had the finest set of maps - of the State and the shoreline - and complete diagrams - of all the factories - and factory areas in Naugatuck, Waterbury etc. He will be interned but he ought to be shot. He is in jail now - but not with Sanford. Papa and I went to Choir Rehearsal and then the Choir went up to Mildred Weyh's house "for to spend a pleasant evening". It was very cold when we left the Weyh's house. Thermometer has dropped to 12°. We had a light snow-fall during the night.

Was so glad to hear your voice - this A.M. It was sweet and so well modulated. I was glad to hear about the dance on Sat. Be sure - you get the name of some soldier - to write to. They are said to be very lonesome and homesick. Mrs. Wyatt's nephew sailed from San Francisco - Monday - destination unknown. Harold Dibble is very homesick - will send you his address - in next letter. Try to send him a card. Those cards etc. keep up the morale of the boys. They are eager for mail. To-morrow is the "day of prayer"[.] Mr. Hance has had "grippe" and phoned to Papa that he won't be able to attend. There is an epidemic of pneumonia in New York City. I imagine that resistance is low - on account of war confusion. So glad you liked your vests. Get as much sleep as you can "snitch".

Will close now - will you send me your schedule - for this semester? It is 1.30 AM. I guess I had better hit the hay myself.

Lots of love from us all.

P.S. What are the dimensions of the pillow case - Earl sent you?