Feb. 26/42Dearest Betsikins;-
I am glad to learn that you are now lapping up Greek history. In some ways it is so different from the rest of the history you have had, that I should think you would find it very enjoyable. Mama and I got quite a kick out of the narrative of your adventures with the army.
So Prof. Adams liked your paper on John. I shall have a lot of fun talking it over with you. Are you getting initiated into the mystery about John the Apostle and John the Presbytes, etc.? - Polycarp - Irenaeus? To think of my little girl getting into the middle of the extremely fascinating Johannine question!!
Two people have told me they would like to talk with you, when you are at home next time - Mr. Chittenden and Arthur Hickcox.
I have been conferring with Dr. Marion today. One thing I am very glad to learn: an account of Bishop McConnell's illness, Bishop Richardson (our friend - and especially Mama's) will preside over the N.Y.E. Conf. this year.
I am enjoying Churchill's book immensely.
I shall get some preliminary dope from Columbia as soon as I can - Then we can plan more intelligently and definitely concerning a trip there. It is a good idea to know in advance just where to go and whom to see.
People are gradually learning about the war. Arthur Hickcox says that Waterbury needs a real air-raid to wake it up.
By the way, I understand that he is now one of the Vice-presidents of the Scoville Co. He believes he can get you into something pretty good in defense work, if you should feel inclined that way.
Meanwhile I am seeking to fix things up for Conferences. Hope to confer with Bish. Richardson some day.
Remember always you have two parents who are very proud of you.
Lotions of lotion
Papa.P.S. :- What are the dimensions of your pillow cover?