A Letter Written on Jan 10, 1942

Bessie B. Nesbit
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Mass.

Sat. Jan 10, 1942

Dear Mama & Papa,

Hello! Thanks for your two letters which arrived today. One of them hadn't been cancelled. How are your colds getting along? Take care of them because this cold weather is dangerous. I am fighting off a cold at the present time. Please wish me luck with it. The comb & hair brush & wedding cake arrived yesterday. Thanks ever so much for sending them.

I sent the pin cushion to Mrs. Fairbank. I asked Sanford Cutler to Senior dance. I also wrote to Aunt Emma, Mrs. Fairbank, Dan and Norman.

I have been reading Churchill's While Eng Slept. It is a collection of his speeches from 1932-38. It is really quite amazing how clearly he sees the danger. He speaks of the German rearmament & urges Eng to do something but his words fall on deaf ears. Baldwin & the others just refuse the believe the facts.

I just had my Conf with my Soci prof. & it was fairly satisfactory. I hope I can do well on the final. I really don't like her very much - worse luck & I don't think she's very fond of me.

I have heard rumors about a change in our schedule. It is said that we may be graduated in May instead of June in order that we may secure jobs more easily. This isn't definite yet & I'll write you when I hear more. One of the kids on our floor was rushed to the hospital Tues night to have her appendix out.

Last night I went to a French movie The Baker's Wife. It was exceptionally good.

Marion has returned from her trip to Washington & tells us of having Tea with Mrs. Roosevelt, the Chinese & Russian Ambassadors. It certainly must have been interesting & wonderful to remember.

Must close now.
