A Letter Written on Dec 3, 1940

Dec. 3rd - 1940.

Dear little Girl:

The thermometer says 5° outside. Papa has just gone down to Julian's to have some more anti-freeze put in the radiator and now we will have no fear of the car freezing up. It is too cold for comfort. Everybody that can is not driving.

Papa had a nice surprise this AM. He received the following letter.

Dear Dr. Nesbit:

It is with pleasure that we are able to inform you that the judges of our recent contest have awarded you the first prize of five tons of Silver Brook Coal. This coal is available whenever you need it.

Very truly yours,
The Naugatuck Fuel Co.

Was I proud of Papa!!!! That means that we have the Winter's coal.

We are up to our eyes - in work for the Fair - and to make it a little more complicated, Papa has a funeral to-morrow. Mr. Gibbud's mother. She was the oldest member of Naugatuck Church. He had to go to Mrs. Gibbud's to day. and the whole afternoon - will be take up to-morrow.

I made peanut-butter fudge to-day - for the Fair. Would you like me to make you some? It tasted very good. Papa sent your pen-nette [?] a letter saying that it be sent direct to you C.O.D. Hope it will be satisfactory. Will send your fur coat as soon as they get it fixed - I know you need it - and soon.

Will close now, and go to bed. We are so happy over Pop's prize. It certainly was a fine essay. The judges were Warden Sheridan, Judge Neary and Mr. Cluttenden, Sup't of Schools.

Love from us all.