A Letter Written on Nov 22, 1940

Friday, Nov. 22, 1940.

Dear little Girl:

Before I forget this "pun" I must write it right down. Your honorable Father said "If a fruit-fly is caught in the butter, would you call her a butter-fly?" I think that is too good to lose. Papa and I have been writing the names on the Thanks-giving Envelopes. Papa is having Dan prepare a card to go with the envelopes. The typewriter that the Bottorfs cut the mimeograph stencil with was a re-conditioned type-writer 17 years ago. I don't wonder that the Bulletins look the way they do. Papa and I are going to try and raise money for a new - reconditioned typewriter - after the Fair.

We received your welcome postal, this morning. We were so glad to hear from you. I think postals are a great invention. At the Waterbury Stamp Club the other night There [sic] was an exhibition of practically all our U.S. Postal Cards. Papa said there wasn't much "kick" to the Exhibition. Too much sameness.

Last night went to Choir - Rehearsing for the Christmas music. I had cleaned all day and I was tired. I was glad to have Papa - write our letter. Did I hit the hay!! There are so many little things to do and remember. The man singer is to sing on Sunday. Mrs. Clark pays him $2.00. He will sing the same solo - he sang before. It will all be in the Bulletin. To-night, there is the Odd-Fellows Play. Mrs. Fairbank sent us 2 tickets. I wish you were home to go with Pop. You have to climb about up to Heaven - to get to the Auditorium. Andrewsia is sitting beside me.

My perfume is a delight and such a lovely big bottle. I used it last night when I went to Choir - it was so strong and lasted the whole evening.

Your scarf will be cleaned and ready for you - when you get home. They are dynamiting the under-pass - that was so dangerous. I just heard a big blast. Wasn't this a queer accident? Mr. Pape owner of the Waterbury Rep. and American - was driving to a meeting at 8 in the morning (forum discussion) It was icy - and his car skidded into a telegraph pole. It was damaged - so he thumbed a ride home and got his other car - He got back to his first car - and got out and went over to the damaged car to get out his car keys - while he was standing reaching in for his car keys - another car skidded on the same icy curve - and went into him, breaking his leg - between ankle and knee. He is now in the Waterbury hospital. Too bad! I am so glad that you will be able to travel by train this winter if it is icy. The train connections are pretty good considering. I am glad that the folks liked or rather were interested in the decorations. I have had a lot of pleasure in looking at that little green and white owl. It is such an artistic piece of pottery work and looks just like the little screech owls - we had up in Stroudsburg and the Gap.

Well, Bess, I will close now. Papa is drinking his chocolate milk - and is going to Waterbury. It is a beautiful day here - warm and altogether lovely.

Lots of love.