A Letter written on Oct 1, 1938

Saturday Afternoon
6 P.M. Oct. 1, 1938.

My own dear little girl;--

While your hankies are boiling, I am taking time by the fore-lock and am writing a few lines. Papa is going to send it special delivery so that you will get it to-morrow, Sunday. I wonder whether you will. He went to the picnic of the choir at Bantam Lake. I put up the supper for him. (Eggs, sandwiches etc.) I just came downstairs and found the supper on the dining room table, all beautifully wrapped in Howard's green paper. He was in a hurry and had left it. I am feeling fine. No irritation of any kind, and I am gaining weight. Mr. Adkins died this morning, and we have been some busy. The funeral is Monday at the Church and Mr. Swain is going to assist Papa. I have to go to the Doctor's at 12.30 but will be able to get home by 2 p.m. I was going to the opening meeting of the Women's Club but I will go to the funeral first. Papa received a letter from Eddie Hineman. He will be married on Oct. 12 -- at 10 A.M. at Miss Litz's aunt's house. Everything will be very quiet, I imagine. I just received a letter from Mrs. Hopkins. She says that Mrs. Walker cannot find the leaves to the dining room table and wonders whether the moving men took them with ours. To-morrow, after service we will try to find them. I shouldn't be surprised if the men put them with ours. If not maybe the Fowlers have them.

Papa has just returned and wants me to tell you that Weather permitting we will be up on Tuesday afternoon and have our wedding celebration with you. It is the 6th but we will celebrate it a little ahead. Can you pay one of the girls to take your place at waiting for supper? That would give us a longer time with you and we could eat where we did the other night.

Must close hastily --
Until Tuesday,
Mom and Pop.