Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, ConnecticutFeb. 10, 1942.
Dear little Girl:- Received your welcome letter this AM. Glad you liked the eats - Was sorry to hear that you feel so tired. I think it is an excellent idea to commence with the medicine again. Try it - and give it a good trial and be careful that you are not cutting your intake of vitamins. You see the Spring is just around the corner - and you have worked very hard and Feb. and March are difficult months. I may have to send you some vitamin tablets - but I have great faith in the belladonna. It is cold here - and wintry. Beautiful sun to-day. Papa went to the stamp club - last evening and the Club bought oneof those machines - a Balopticon - for projecting - exhibits of stamps. It cost 90 dollars (a $120 machine) and Dan is going to make a case for it. Papa is so pleased - for he has wanted a machine like that for years - for his lectures - and he can rent it from the club. Papa says it looks as if you could pick the stamps right off the screen.
The Naugatuck News is getting along very well - Mr. Fischer has been bounced - and the editor himself has charge of it. He hasn't made any innovations - yet. Took down the ornaments - from the tree to-day.
Will close now - Papa will post this letter in the box - Am enclosing a check for 1.50 [no longer with the letter] - Wish it could be more - but the Church only paid us 10.00 this week - Papa is going to New York - to-morrow on business matters. Wish you were here - with me - we could cook something new. Good night - with lots of love.
[handwriting change]
P.S. - I saw Mr. Slade, Principal of the H.S. today. He told me that, although Conn. requires certain work in Educ., in practice it is quite common to accept teachers who do not have the requirements with the understanding that the condition will be made up. In fact some of the Naug. H.S. teachers are making up the requirements now while teaching.
Pop.What did Sherman say?