A Letter written around Dec 7, 1940

Dear little Girl:

After two hectic days. I am sitting down in peace and quiet to write. My regular paper is upstairs - so I will use my note-book paper. Papa has gone to the "big dollar" to purchase eats for to-morrow. The driving is not good - so I decided I would not drive over - very slushy - I hear Papa now. My finger (ring) is getting smaller again - and I have on my three stone ring. I cannot wear my wedding ring yet.

The Fair was a great success despite the heavy snow-storm - and the icy roads. The things were just about the same - no novelties - except the camels eyes - I sold 150 - so my profits are 9.65 - as I had to deduct the eyes and the pins - and it was a mistake - for although they had practically no profit on the supper last year - the second night - they had 50 or more people to buy between the supper and the play. We arrived home about 1.30 A.M. and I was tired to-day. The play was excellent. I wish I could "flit" up to College and tell you - all about it - but I will - at Xmas Time.

My song as I said in the last letter - is finished - but I have polished it some - and it is entirely finished now. Mr. Valentine is dying from the cancer - he has in his mouth. He is only taking fluid nourishment and Mrs. Valentine is taking entire charge of him. She is about worn out.

Mr. Rogers is much better and around again. So much for the sick folks. Mr. Morgan is on the air - in good trim. He says he wonders how the women with "dish-pan hands" can eat - seeing they have no fingers. He is sponsoring the new Dodge. The car sounds good to me.

Your letter was a joy. Papa read it over again to me. I am so glad you had a nice time with your little sister[.]

Before I forget it - look out for your resistance. There is quite a lot of "flu" around and the doctors are stressing - plenty of sleep - as the best way to build up resistance. Most of the cases are light - but prostrating while they last. Do not try to fight it - but go to bed early in the game and let the doctor presribe. [sic] I am wondering if you had it - this last infection when you were so sick. Take care of yourself.

Love Mamma.

P.S. You run a fever with this new "flu" infection and it starts - as a slight cold.

P. P. S. I am sorry to say that old man Carpenter - takes on his holiday help - about the beginning of December - to teach them bef as the Xmas rush begins about 3 weeks before Xmas. but Papa says - don't worry about it. M.