A Letter written on Jan 21, 1941

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Dear little Girl: Received your welcome letter this A.M. I am taking this dictation for Papa. -

"I am afraid the Political Science 132 - would be too much like the Historical Courses that you planned to take. We must have some variety in your Curriculum. The following courses - suggest themselves as possibilities.


1) Anthropology 102 - Prehistory.
    Looks interesting

2) Archaeology - 234 - Egyptian.
    (Might be investigated)

3) English 228 - Debating.
    (Might be quite useful)

4) Philosophy 110A. Logic
    (would be different but may be hard)

5) Philosophy 232 Ethics.
    (is related to Religion)

6) Religion 210 - Christianity 2
    modern social problems

7) Religion 216. Materials and methods of Religious Education
(might prepare one for teaching religion on the side)

8) Religion 306. Beginnings of Xianity 4th gospel.
Perhaps Prof. Adams would waive the prerequisite to this course, in view of your background and past record. I think it would be very fine.

9) English Lit. 206 or 207
    Medieval Narrative or Chaucer are possibilities.

10) English Lit. 224 (Am. Lit 1848-80) is also a possibility.

It is advisable to get in a course in Religion if possible, so that you will not lose out in prerequisites for work in the Senior Year, as so many of the religious courses require nine hours and you don't want to spoil your minor. I don't think I would take the Political Science unless I substituted it for a history course". Sic dixit Pop.

Papa also says tha the will be glad to write to Prof. Adams - if you wanted to take the course and the hour was O.K. asking that to pursuade [sic] him to let you in.

This is my part of the letter. If you can't get into Dr. Adams course. It seems to me that the course in Religious Education would be invaluable as a second choice. From the experience I have had - anybody that has had some Religious Education - seems to have an "entrèe" into Summer Institutes, Winter Institutes - and almost everything else in the Religious Line of teaching. and although, I know, it is not to be your teaching work - It is the thing you could do on the side - and pick ups get a nice summer vacation with pay. and then besides. you would get some teaching experience this year - as I and outside experience - according to the Catalogue. Wherever I go, I hear the same thing - Oh, yes - she took a course in R.E. It supercedes - almost everything in Religious Work - and the week day Bible and Vacation Schools are increasing in numbers - Being Papa's daughter would help to get you in - and it might mean - some money on the side. The course would be different. and not so confined[.]

Will close now and go to bed. I am getting my strength back - but you have to make haste slowly.

Much love.