A Letter written on Jan 27, 1941

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.

Dear little Girl:- Received 3 letters to-day. Were we delighted. The stretch has been long. I think there should be a law against no delivery on Sat. P.M. or Sunday. Papa will meet you at New Haven at 8.P.M. and then have dinner at Rickey's. If the weather is cold and snowy - I won't be able to take a chance. I am babying myself - very much. but it is better to make haste slowly.

Am enclosing check for $2 [no longer with the letter] - for the fare. I think your idea of New Haven is excellent - but will you do your mother a favor - and get something to eat - to keep your tummie from caving in before supper. You know - it will be quite a long time until you get your supper - and some crackers or sandwich will keep it going.

Will close - in haste. Much love.

Jan 27, 1941

P.S. Have made date with Dentist.