Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, ConnecticutDear Little Girl: Such a lovely letter and so full of news. Before I forget - the address of Mrs. Macmillan is - Mrs. Clara W. Macmillan, 354 Prospect St., Bridgeport, Conn. and Mrs. William E. Fairbank, 168 Maple St. It does not seem possible that your last semester is almost here. Sometimes it seems as if I was dreaming and would wake up - and find you a freshman.
The Fair is over and was a big success - I am very tired - Worked at it all day - both days - and took the money - for the supper and the drama guild both nights. We had a little trouble with Perley Brown - his feelings were hurt because Everett Barker the new treasurer of the Fair - opened a checking account - to deposit the money in - from which he would turn over the money to Perley - by checks - instead of keeping the money in his home. Mr. Brown blamed Papa - so after the Fair. We drove up to Mr. Browns - and Papa explained it to him - It was very late and we did not get to bed until 3 A.M. and Hazel Floyd was around at 9 AM to see about the returns from the Guild, so It has been very hectic. I think it will all smooth out - though - very satisfactorily - and Papa was able to tell him about Her. etc. etc. He had heard nothing about that famous "quarterly conference." I think it was providential for evidently Herb had been making trouble for us with Perley - last Spring. Andrew, the dog, is barking outside. Something he does not approve of. Papa has gone down to Mr. Davis for some eats and is just returning to mail this letter. I think it is so nice for the girls to give the "Decum [...]ites" a party. The Minstrel Show was a great success cleared 72.00 - after expenses and federal tax are out - and the supper was also a big success. I sold 87 walnuts - at the John Wesley Table all profit. Well, little girl, I will close now and write more soon. I am feeling much better - and stood the "racket" very well but I am tired.
Good-night -
Love from the bunch who are waiting for you.
Mamma.Dec. 6, 1941.