A Letter written on Oct 30, 1939

Naugatuck Methodist Church
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Rev. William M. Nesbit, Ph.D., Minister
15 Frederick Street
Phone 4236

Monday afternoon [Oct 30, 1939] -
3.30 P.M.

Dear little girl, Papa is in the P.O. writing you and I am sitting in the car writing you. It is pouring rain but warmer than this morning. We have just come from Westville. Mr. Griffin, the minister died in the Bus (heart attack) on the way back from the conference session at Mt. Vernon last Friday - and they had the Funeral to-day. Dr. Moore also died on the way back from Conference. His son married Dr. Brainard's sister - She played the organ at our Church in Glen Cove - You remember Mrs. Moore, I guess. Friday was a very bad day heavy fog - and oppressive. Mr. Gulugleni - the Italian Minister sat in front of me - The american ministers all walked in in a body. Mr. G. says - "how is your daughter?" I was sorry you felt blue - as your letter sounded. I think the work is very heavy and I will be glad when the second semester comes around. The only way you can get out of the blueness is to reason yourself out of it, which sounds fancy but is not always easy to do - but preparation for almost anything is dull routine - but when you think that four years or may be six - will prepare you for a life of mental Happiness - with a brain trained to fully appreciate living - and also that you are preparing yourself to be financially independent - with travel and other things that money can buy - easily within your grasp. It is easier to grit your teeth - and stick it out. Even when you are married - the routine is often "much sameness". When you were a baby - it was very much the same daily routine baths - feeding - walking wheeling the carriage every day from 1- to 5- then bedtime - for the baby - and the evening free to read etc. But it was not dull - because the brain had been trained to use and enjoy everything that was a part of that routine. That is what thus four or six years of college will do for you, for you are making the very most of these years. And the preparation does not seem so long - when you think that my years of studying have made worth while the 35 yrs that have followed graduation. It is not a question so much of marks and grades - but it is the question of training your brain and body - your very being - to enjoy life in its fullest measure.

Papa is ready - I will close -
Lotions of love