Naugatuck Methodist Church
Naugatuck, ConnecticutRev. William M. Nesbit, Ph.D., Minister
15 Frederick Street
Phone 4236St. Patrick's Day.
March 17, 39.
4.30 P.M.Dear little Girl:-
Papa is writing the bulletin notes and I am taking the opportunity for a few lines. I have been waiting for a letter. but I am not sure whether he has made his delivery yet. I will not wait but go ahead. I have been busy. washing socks - (I ironed your colored handkerchiefs.) ironing aprons - napkins etc. To-night we go to Mrs. Kerstetter's for the weekly party of the John Wesley class. They are trying to raise $25.00 for the Anniversary Fund. Having a little party each week. Next week it will be on Saturday at Mrs. Noyes so you will be able to go. I am glad it is not Friday, for we will be able to go up to Holyoke O.K. Things certainly do pile up. The Anniversary fund is growing slowly and steadily - Last night, at Official Board - they had a little ceremony and burned the note for $400 dollars.
The fund is now up to 593.10 - Papa went over to see a gentleman in Waterbury this morning and he promised Papa at least ten dollars - so that will put it over the 600 dollar mark. Papa has raised so much of it himself. We have had very stormy Sundays - and our Church People have not been able to get out and pay in all of their contributions. I washed my hair this A.M. and have it done up in a bandanna. That took quite some time but it will be done for the time that you are home. I had a nice dream - about Audrey. Dreamt that she had her hair done in a big circular curl - and she
hadsaid that the shampoo and setting had only cost her 37 (thirty-seven) cents.Dr. Reade and his wife and sons - have taken a cottage in Florida for the next 3 weeks. Some of the schools are beginning vacation very early. Mr. Calvert told Papa that he had had a letter from Dorothy and that she was delighted with the picture. Had the rally on Tuesday. Met again the young man who is head of the District and editor of the little paper - "The Question Mark". He told one of the girls (Ruby Booth - a relative of the Booths in Watertown) who sends the papers to out of town members - to send you a copy each month. I like him - he is about 20 - I should say and is a member of Mr. Smith's Church in Waterville. His name and address are on the 2nd page of the "Question Mark." He said he would be glad to publish one of your poems. If you have received the "Question Mark", it would not be amiss to send him a picture postal from college just saying Dear Mr. Hornbecker, Received the "Question Mark" which you sent me. Enjoyed reading it very much Thank you
[handwriting changes from Mamma to Pop's]
- Cordially yours - Bessie B. Nesbit."
Today I purchased a 15-ft. extension cord - so that Sally and you can read in bed. Also so that you will not punch one another in the eye in the dark.
We certainly have had lots of snow - but the heavy rain has carried away a lot of it. Mama only bought one pair of stockings, because she wasn't sure about the color.
We have just gotten back from the John Wesley Party at Kerstetter's. Both of your parents won prizes. So you see, it is natural that we should have a smart child.
Brains ===== Brains
BrainsWith multitudinous affection -
Your ever-doting
κτλP.S. All your colored handkerchiefs are home clean. T.B.N. per Pop. [T.B.N. are Mamma's initials]