A Letter written on Dec 10, 1938

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.

My own dear little girl;--

We are on the run to Waterbury to get your pictures which we will send to-day, also we will try to get the present for Mrs. M. ($11.95) Had great success at Fair --- sold 239 church mice. Returns are not all in - but we have already in $325.00 and more to come. Mr. Pearson phoned to-day. Said he will go up for you. I think you had better send a good many of your things in the cases by mail so as not to take up too much space in the car. But you will know how many will be in the car etc. and you will have to use your own judgement. [sic] If you do send the clothes by mail -- would advise sending them in good time as mails may be a little slowed up near Christmas. Sent your cards yesterday. What you don't use at College, bring home and we can use them for folks not at College. Hope you liked them. Will close now --- and be on our way. Such a happy Christmas time.

Lotions of love

Sat. Dec. 10.

The motto I am enclosing with the pictures is a present from Dr. Wentworth to you. Will you if you have time send her a card thanking her for it. It would please me.

Dr. A. C. Wentworth,
New Haven Road,
Naugatuck, Conn.

Papa is enclosing check in this letter, [and Papa adds in his handwriting:] with profound anguish and much love

I am in the Post Office at Waterbury. I have just bought the present for Mrs. Mackay. An "April Violet" set of Yardley. Something new. Contains soap, bath powder sachet tablets and toilet water. 5.00 less 10% discount. Somehow - I think she will like it. What are you giving to Sally? have you enough money to buy it. Would you like me to order it or can you get it there. Papa is doing up your pictures. They go to-night. Have just bought Springerle & anise drops for Xmas.