A Letter written on Oct 15, 1938

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.

My own dear little girl;--

Just a few lines as the mail goes out at 7 instead of 8. We had a fine trip home. We slept about half-way for nearly an hour and reached home about 2.45 A.M. I think it is better to sleep on the way for then there is no danger of getting sleepy, and we had been up since six. The cats were delighted to see us. Didn't we have a lovely time? Papa had the 2 weddings -- one at eleven and the other at two. They went off well. I did not go down for I was busy with the house. Judy came home with her friend and Mrs. Richardson says they are starting for Holyoke at 8 A.M. in time to attend service at the Chapel. That is if it does not storm. Papa has been burning up the leaves on the lawn but there were only a few. There is to be an exchange of pulpits this Sunday. Mr. Dewberry, the Englishman from Derby will preach here and Papa will preach in Derby. It is a nuisance for it makes extra work and I have to go down to S.S. so early. When I was busy in the parlor, I turned in the Yale and Navy game. It was marvelous. The most unusual game that has ever been played so said the gentleman that describes the game.

Time is up,
Love and kisses,

Sat. Evening.

Hanky from Pop. [If that was a reference to an enclosed hanky, it is no longer with the letter.]