Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, ConnecticutMarch 2, 1942.
Dear little Girl:- Received your welcome letter - to-day. Before I forget, Papa mailed the dress & sweaters - to-day - I will send the hankies later. I couldn't finish them on account of the black-out. I hope the dress wasn't wrinkled. It looked so pretty. Don't you think the color is refreshed and brighter? Papa took the letter blank in to Mrs. Penrose - and she wrote a very nice letter to Miss V. It was beautifully composed and we liked it. She has rented out the upper part of her house to another bride and groom - so the floor does not look so dreary. now. The girls come home every now and then - but only for a little while. Nurses' time-off is very meagre. There was something I wasn't quite clear about. In your letter of Feb. 27 - you speak about coming home for this week-end but in the letter that came to-day, you spoke about having a date on Friday evening. Does this mean that you have postponed coming home - or that the "date" is for Friday of next week (Mch 13) Papa and I weren't quite clear about it - so will you please let us know in your next letter. Either way will be O.K. "by us". We were very proud to hear about Miss Tatlock - wanting to have you with her. To me that is one of the things that I like very much. I consider it a great compliment to the work - you have done - and also to yourself. I do hope it will work out in some way. Of course the "Defense Job" sounds very good too - and it is
goodwell to take time & thought to it all. You can't decide things like this on the spur of the moment.With reference to the money -
[Change to Pop's handwriting]
Father is absolutely "flat" at the present moment - as the church is way behind on salary. However rest assured that if a windfall comes soon, I shall immediately share the booty. I hope that I shall be able to land a job where finances shall be better financed. The darkest hour immediately precedes sunrise.
Ever admiring,
Pop.We were blacked-out last night. 'Twas quite exciting. P.