New Haven Conn
March 2, 1941Dear Friend:
I received your letter and was glad to hear that you are enjoying college this year. The first year away from home is always the hardest.
The bingo games haven't been paying me any-thing for a long time until last friday [sic] night when I made my self ten dollars. I havn't [sic] been able to get to that bingo in Holyoke yet but I may get there yet if the army doesn't get me first.
The defense program has increased the freight, passenger service on the railroad.
The church fair was held in separate months last year for November we had the big night with a turkey supper and then in December we had the second night of the fair and they had another supper and they sold every-thing that was left over from the fair in November and I think it worked out much better that way instead of running it two nights in November.
The folks are all fine and Mabel is still the same as she was when you were here in New Haven[.]
Well I guess that is about all I have to say now I hope you will excuse this poor writing be-cause I write very few letters.
Sincerely yours