January - 26.34
243 N.Y. Ave -
Bklyn. N.Y.Dear Bessie:
It was so nice to see your father on Monday night - and to get the letter you wrote and the candy you made - also the cookies your mother sent me.
I suppose he told you I had just arrived home from school when he came.
I enjoyed both the candy and the cookies very much. You are quite an artist at candy making.
So you are a Sophomore in high school - and way at the top of the class I hear. That is great. I hope you will stay right at the top and enjoy your work very much.
I have just finished a very interesting term of Psychiatry at Ward's Island Mental Hospital. It was very helpful in my particular work but I found the trip up there particularly trying, especially in the winter weather - so I decided to give it up this year - perhaps I can arrange to take the 2nd term next year.
It seems strange to hear of so many people who haven't been to school in years, who are now keenly studying all sorts of isms trying to be all sorts of ists. Well the depression, I believe, has done a great deal for adult education. It shows a need of the people for better things. I never studied so hard in my life as I have the past five months trying to learn why people act like they do. It makes one stop and take inventory of one's self - I wish I were a sophomore now I would learn everything I could and get all the degrees possible while young. Everything worth while seems to depend on that. So my dear absorb all in your power, for, I believe, the future will demand the higher education more and more.
I wish you did not live so far away - for I should like to see you oftener and know you better while you are growing up. Can't you persuade your daddy to come back to hectic New York?
I am sure it must be delightfully quiet in your part of the country - and I am sure people live more naturally - but even Brooklyn has its charm in the malestrom [sic] of life.
I always look forward to Saturday & Sunday when I am free from the office. I take long walks - go out to the movies and dinners & feel like a free bird - only Monday comes too soon.
I wish you well in your school work and trust it will be a happy task.
Thanks again for the candy and tell your mother I thank her, too, for the cookies.
My very best to you all
Aunt Emma