A Letter written on Apr 21, 1941

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

My own Jubilant Junior;-

Your Sat. and Sun. letters arrived together this afternoon - both were postmarked 7 A.M. today. We certainly were delighted with your account of Prom. How we would have enjoyed it, had we been able to look on! If only we could have disguised ourselves - Mama in her Egyptian costume and I with that lovely mustache that I have worn on various occasions. However we tried our hardest to imagine that we were there.

Heartiest congrats on the latest B+. Our child appears to be no slouch as a historian. She is finding her pace. Good! very good!!

Mama did splendidly at Bunker Hill Church. I was proud of her - as I usually am. In fact being proud of my women folks is a chronic condition with me.

I think that the combination of American beauties, the dress and You must have been quite scrumptious - I should have liked to be a young Amhoister myself.

They are having "Lady Eve" at the Gem this evening - and we are going right down to see it on your advice.

With many pats on the back and jubilatious rah-rahs -

Your adoring

Mon, Apl. 21/41