A Letter written on Nov 7, 1940

Dear little Girl: Papa received the paper and sent it, after signing it, right on its way. I have been to Dr. D's. to-day and Papa and I are going to the Big Dollar this evening and will post this letter in Waterbury. I hope you will receive it before you leave for Florence.

Went to Mrs Skelton's last evening for dinner and Sperry was quite blue because you had not answered his last letter. He said he hadn't heard a word from you so please do write him. He is buying the Zepelins - but does not say much to his folks - about his purchases - so don't mention them in your letter.

Before I forget - I sang at Watertown yesterday afternoon - (more about that later) and saw Mrs. Arthur. She said privately to me that Jean is having some job - with the finances and the cooking. Mrs. Arthur says - he comes home to lunch and expects a hot lunch with meat and always - biscuits or some hot bread but always hot bread at every meal - then Jean has to cook a hot dinner - at night with meat and more hot bread. She said "Mother, the pennies are all going up the chimney - can't you send me some recipes (I am almost cured) that contain meat and are not so expensive. I enclose her married name - when you have time will you send her a card or letter. I think she is homesick - and Mrs. A. says she would be so glad to hear from us. I am afraid the whole thing is not going to turn out so happily. Papa has just returned from the Fidelity Supper. I did not go for my mouth was tender from the Dentist - and besides - I did not feel like staying at to the Choir Rehearsal.

It is very cold here - but crisp and beautiful. Papa said he had meat balls - creamed tuna - etc. etc. you know the menu. Then he arranged for Mrs. Taylor - to take Mrs. Hudson in her car - on Saturday - when a party of the Church People are going over to New Haven to give a party to the old folks at the Home. Mrs. Hudson is going to sing - so I won't have to. Saturday evening Mrs. Noyes is giving a "baby shower" for Mrs. Bottorf. As I said before, she expects her baby in January. Mrs. Noyes is having as her guests - a good many friends of Mrs. B- from the Rubber Company.

Fred is home - so a card or letter there - would not be amiss. (7 Meadow St.) He has to go back every day for treatment - but goes in the "Bus." The surgeons at the Hospital - say that they loosened the muscles - that hold the arm to the body - too much, causing a partial paralysis - that is temporary - but very painful to remedy.

When we got home to-day. Papa had a funeral this afternoon - at Alderson's - Nobody from our Church.

The Election was a disappointment to us - but not so much as we thought - for it has put the "jitters" into the Axis Powers - and there is a strong feeling - that Pres. Roosevelt will give Mr. Willkie some appointment - worthy of him - Perhaps you read that Mr. Churchill announced that "the crisis of the Battle of Britain is over." That is very encouraging.

I do hope that you will explain to the "Profs" that you really weren't in fit condition to take those tests etc. Three courses in History are very heavy, and I think that perhaps there is too much sameness at times. I even got "stale" with my singing at times too. That seems queer - but that is the way it goes. You even get "stale" with housework. Remember the woman that said that she would get tired of peeling potatoes.

Jean's address is

Mrs. W. D. Johnson,
North Carolina.
Box 987

Will close now and go our way.


P.S. Have a good time over the weekend.

[Handwriting change from Mamma to Pop]

Nov. 7. 1940.

P.S. II:- X X X X X X X X X X etc
