Oct. 24, 1940Dear little Girl:
It is 10 P.M - I have just returned from a busy day at the Church - Such a beautiful night. They are burning the leaves - on the hill - and the flames are so lovely when you know they are in or under control. Papa is just listening to R. G. Swing. Swing says that England is master on the sea. The news is very comforting. Last night we heard F.D.R., Willkie and Al. Smith. Willkie and Smith were wonderful - but F.D.R. was pitiful.
To-day, I went down to the Church in the morning and sewed on Children's aprons. Such pretty goods - alphabets and animals etc. I almost wished you were little enough to wear them. You were always so careful of your things - It brought back all the days when you wore the aprons - and the sewing was a great pleasure. Then at lunchtime I helped Mrs. Hudson with the lunch - We had Franks - soaked in pineapple juice - but I didn't taste the pineapple - neither did Pop. They are supposed to be flavored with pineapple. We also had rolls - pumpkin and cherry pie and coffee. It was Mrs. Bosworth's birthday - so they had a birthday cake for her. She was 50. After lunch, Mrs. H. and I did the dishes - Mrs. H. could hardly walk - on account of a corn - so I helped her. Then we had our business meeting and then sewed more aprons. Papa called for me and we had supper. Brown bread, beans - cream cheese and succotash. After supper, we went back to the Church - Papa had official-board, and fair Committee and I had Choir Rehearsal. Janice Barrett is going crazy again - and we had a most unpleasant time in the Choir. Mrs. Barrett was awfully worried. She told Papa that Janice has been acting very queerly - the last few days - and she thinks she is going off again. The Concert for the choir - is to-morrow night and as far as I can find out - there have been only about 20 tickets sold. The programme is all shot. Mr. Wyatt has had to go to Atlantic City - that finishes his solo - and the duet of Mildred and Mr. Wyatt - and there have been a lot of other "fiascos." Mr. Vance Taylor is showing his movies - on the World Fair - Connecticut the Beautiful - etc. etc. Will he be mad if he only has 25 or 30 people. Too many things going on in the town - I have to go to the Dentist's to-morrow. He is going to fill another tooth. I am to take tickets and money to-morrow night.
Saturday, there will be more painting on the Church and the John Wesley Class are going to serve the dinner to the painters. I will go down to the Church on Sat. morning with Mrs. Mowrey and some one else and cook the dinner. Fresh shoulder, mashed potatoes - cold slaw, pie - coffee etc. There will be about ten men. We serve the dinner at noon sharp. and then we go home - after doing the dishes. Sunday is the regular routine - I have no solo. Can you buy the Dreskin up in South Hadley? Papa says - it is difficult to do it up. If you tell me how much the price is - when Papa gets his check next week - I will send you up the money to pay for it. I hope you received the towels etc. to-day. They said at the Post Office that you would surely get the parcel to-day.
Fred is awfully discouraged about his arm. He will have to stay at the hospital 2 or 3 weeks longer and he says the food is very poor.
Papa called on Mrs. Fassett to-day. She says that Howard will not wear a Tuxedo. She also said that she knows Howard would enjoy being asked to an informal dance - where he does not have to wear a "Tuck". She tried to get him to [...] one and try wearing it - but he said he doesn't like the things. Are not some boys queer? She was very pleasant and so friendly. Evidently Howard is very diffident. I think it would be wise to write to Howard and give him a choice of dates - and let him pick a date in advance. Will close now and re-tire.
Lots of lots of love.