Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, ConnecticutDear, dear Betsey;-
'Tis Saturday evening. Conference has been, if anything, duller than usual. I am lonesome for both my Little Girl and my Big Girl - and that means some lonesomeness. I am staying at Aunt Emma's - and, on account of the condition of things at Conf., I am staying on hand until Conference closes. I expect to stay at Naug. - but there is possibility of other things that might open up.
We certainly had a wonderful time a week ago today.
Last night I phoned Mama - and she was fine.
I saw Mrs. Longyear yesterday - and she told me that Mrs. Moorehead (Mrs. Brown's mother) had fallen downstairs and is in very bad shape. I have seen a lot of folks who have asked after you.
Lotions of lotions.
May 17/41