A Letter Written on Mar 18, 1941

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn. Naugatuck, Conn.

March 18, 1941.
3. P.M.

Dear little Girl:

I am taking time by the fore-lock and am writing my letter to you. I am writing on the kitchen table. Is it cold. The heaviest wind we have experienced since the hurricane wind down South. We have the two oil burners going and are not real warm. Of course it is the wind that is making the trouble. I was to have gone to Dr. D's to-day - but it was too cold. The sun is beautiful - I imagine that it is the last crack of "Old Man Winter". Everything presages an early spring. Just heard on Martha Deane (Mary McBride) programme - an interview with Alexander Kirkland author and producer - I think - although maybe he is only producer of "Out of the Frying Pan". He is a celebrated actor and movie star. The interview was excellent.

So glad to receive your letter Papa and I read it once - and then again. We were glad that you will come down with Katherine. I am so glad the worst of the cold wave will be over but please bring your fur coat as it is not dry cold - and you will need it. Andrewsia was out all night - and when she came in - she was not at all cold. Where do you suppose she found a warm spot? I wonder!

Papa is out calling etc. He has had some trouble with the generator of his car - and has gone down to see about it. I have never heard such a wind. Every window is rattling.

I was going to clean upstairs to-day - but it is too cold - so will do some things down here. Papa and I think it is only a question of time when we will enter the war. To-day, Churchill officially warned the U.S. that a submarine has entered our waters. That looks like the beginning of trouble. I am glad that the war, if it comes, will come in your later years of college - not in the first.

Mrs. Birdsall is getting better and is able to sit out on the porch.

We had a nice "Layman's Day" Service on Sunday. Mr. Johnson, Shelley, Long and Donovan taking part and Mr. Wyatt singing.

It seems so good that the Spring Vacation is here. Papa and I thought it would be after or around Easter but we have the new Catalogue - now and do not have to guess.

Ralph Pasho offered me a column of Religious News in the Naugatuck Paper. I am going to try it. I am not sure how it will work out. I have always wanted a column - and I hope it will be O.K. - There has been an entire overhauling of the paper. Mr. Pasho, I believe, owns the controlling interest. Mr. Baxter is out - and they are trying the make the paper worth-while[.]

The thing that is not so easy - is that I have the Catholic Churches - also - and some times they are a problem. Here's hoping that these will meet me 50-50!!

Had waffles for lunch - I have mastered the cooking of them - so they are always - the same and never stick. I will leave this letter - and go on with my work - until Pop. gets home. [pen change] Pop came home and we have had our supper. Creamed clams - string beans cut French style and Maltex Cereal for dessert. Don't forget to bring home your hankies. I have some clean ones home, ready for you to use but I would like to launder the ones you bring home. It is one beautiful night - no wind but very cold.

Will close now and play a game of checkers with Pop.

Love from the bunch.