A Letter Written on Apr 2, 1941

Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
15 Frederick Street
Naugatuck, Connecticut

Dear little Girl:-

Papa and I were so happy to get your letter - and to know you had a good time for we certainly did. I hope that the date with your little sister's brother and his friends will turn out O.K.

Papa says you can count on getting the brassieres and slip some time next week. I am so glad you tried them on. We cannot tell as yet which day next week we will go up to college but will let you know in plenty of time - ahead.

Am going to the Dentist's to-morrow and then to Easter Rehearsal in the evening. Papa has been busy calling to-day - and I cleaned up the Kitchen. Wrote to Miss Mary Brown and sent a card to Mrs. Mowry's mother in Penn. News is scarce - Brownie and Andrewsia - do not go into your room at all now. Brownie went in the first night but when he found you were not there - came right out.

Love from us all

April 2, 1941.