Saturday.Dear Bessie,
Have you had your spring vacation yet, or are you about to. Ours doesn't come till Eater week. I can hardly wait, although I've been home for nearly every week-end for a month. Now that we have the munitions plant, the place is booming. Have I told you about the new men who have moved in. There are three especially nice new lieutenants. One of them sent me a dozen red roses for my birthday and I've ben seeing him quite a bit.
Since these last few days, it really looks as if it were going to be really spring. I hear there is a great institution called river banking which starts when the weather becomes warm enough so that you won't freeze your fingers when you take your mitten off. Every eve you can see boys and girls wending their way to the river bank with blankets trailing behind them. This afternoon I went down to look the situation over and fell through the ice for my trouble. I have a beautiful bruise on my shin to show for it.
I've been playing quite a bit of ping pong lately. To-day we played doubles over at the men's dormitory.
Has Junior Prom been yet. You must write and tell me all about it.
I haven't eaten any cherry cokes lately. Tell everyone "hello"