A Letter Written on Mar 31, 1941

March 31. 41
At office.

Dear Bessie:-

You know the saying about "good intentions"? It may rightly be applied here. I've looked at your letter on my desk at home on many occasions and said "to-morrow night surely I will answer it."

Just think, that you are nearly thru your junior year. I just can't realize it. Next stop before we catch our breaths, no doubt, will be graduation.

Spring has arrived I am sure that we did have quite a snow storm Saturday night. When I came home from a friend's at 10:30 pm the little flakes were tumbling down but fortunately didn't withstand yesterday's bright sun.

Thank you Bessie for the Valentine. It was very sweet & thoughtful. I'm glad you were able to go to the movies etc with yours.

I am hoping to go to Bridgeport and spend Easter with mother. She was with me till 2/15 but was not well. I was quite worried about her but she writes me she has been feeling much better the last two weeks.

My little nephews have been unlucky. First Deane got the mumps and was quite sick and now his cousin Robert is very ill with the measles. The rash didn't come out, as it should have and that made it worse. Yesterday his mother told me he was showing some improvement. He should get better as he will be 2 yrs old on Sunday.

I have to get another transfer, as the city is closing up this office on Apr. 19. They are dividing the cases among 3 other offices and the staff likewise. As yet I do not now, where I shall go and I only hope it is in this part of Bklyn. So, many of the offices are out of the way for travelling. This was really fine as I could get on the trolley at the corner & by transferring could go within a block of the office. Heres hoping I am lucky.

I've been quite well all winter and feel pleased about that. It is so much easier to work when one feels well.

Are you going to be in any of the spring festivities at college this year?

I suppose you are anxiously awaiting the time to be home for your Easter vacation. I hope you will enjoy it & all the family will be happy. I'll be thinking of you.

Here's wishing you the best of everything with much love

Aunt Emma