A Letter Written on Oct 2, 1941

Camp Blanding, Florida

43rd Div Special Troops
Military Police Co.
Camp Blanding Fla.
Oct. 2., 1941

Hello Bessie

I just came across your card again and I sat here trying to think if I answered it or not. So in case I haven't I wish to that thank you for it. I recieved [sic] it while I was in the hospital at Camp Livingston, La.

They operated on me out there and then sent me back here till my company gets back. I expect to see them the later part of this week. Then we will start planning on going to North Carolina on Oct. 2.7. where we will stay a month for a manuver. [sic] From there we are told that we can suppose to come back up to Mass. I sure hope that is true.

I was suppose to come home but I guess I will have to wait until the Co. gets here.

Well it is almost time to get on duty. I work tonight Oct. 2 from 7-11 P.M. Oct. 3. 11P.M.-3AM. and Oct 4 3A.M.-7AM. Some hours to get up.

So I guess I will have to sign off.

Yours truly