Rev. Dr. William M. Nesbit
230 Portsea Street
New Haven, Conn.Apl. 4/41
Dear little Girl:
Just a few lines. We are not able to tell just what day we will be up - It won't be Monday - and I don't think it will be Thursday, as there is a Ladies Aid Meeting on that day and I have rehearsal in the evening.
Papa has his car - with the old license plates - taken off of the Dodge. It works pretty well - a little stiff yet - but it looks very nice - Mr. R. is going to sell the Dodge to a Junk-man - Took your dresses over to New Haven - to Howards - so they are O.K. The girl is going to put the Zipper in right. Well bring up the brassieres and the slip - when we come. We are joining in with the Cong. Church for Good Friday - They are singing Stainer's Crucifixion in the Evening.
[Handwriting change from Mamma to Pop]
How do Kramer and Tatlock feel on your tootsies? B+es in your head and B+es on your feet! And two parents at home who are very proud of their Offspring. Whoopie!
Lotions of lotions -