A Letter Written on Feb 21, 1932

Colburn House
Febr. 21/1932.

Dearest Bessikins,

There are not Words strong enough to express my Pleasure on receipt of your pretty Valentine with all the loving thoughts hidden in the few Words. It is useless to say, that you are constantly in my mind & how often I have been longing for just a few minutes with you, but of Course, the Distance is too great. It seems hardly possible, that you should be 11 years old soon to be a young Lady, but I shall never forget the many happy & pleasant hours we spent together. I do not know, if you will be able to read this, but my hands shake terribly for more than 2 years & writing is the hardest Task for me to perform. Besides I have been in Bed again for over 2 Weeks with severe attack of Bronchitis & other complications & not out of my Room yet.

Now dear Bessie, please give my fondest Regard to dear Mama & Papa hoping, you all keep well, thanking you all again for kind Remembrance,

with fondest & everlasting Love

Your dear Friend
M. Radke [?]