Letter Written on Jul 14, 1907

2676 Main St.
Bridgeport, Conn.
Sunday [July 14, 1907]

Dear Jane -

Father is sitting here telling about all the things he'd spend his money for if he were rich enough. It's quite an entertaining list. I guess some of them would kill him soon. You must have been glad to get home so much sooner than you expected. I had a letter from Margaret Plant Monday morning - got yours that afternoon - and was surprised at her speaking of when you got there. It is too bad that your father is to be away so much of the time that you are home.

Ruby came in Thursday morning and stayed till Saturday, but we had to go to the doctor's every morning. It is too bad that her teeth and ear give her so much trouble, and she had tonsilitis for a few days since you were here too. She is coming again Tuesday or Wednesday, I guess. We didn't do much while she was here, went to see May Hartley one afternoon, and she fed us so much chocolate candy and root beer that we could hardly get home. Yesterday morning we went down town, and I was delighted to find three letters when I got back, from Mabel, Lucy, and Christine, the first I had heard from the two last. You probably know all the news from them.

The coming of the dark interrupted me in this about an hour ago. Now we've just had supper out on the porch - nearly nine o'clock, so you may imagine we couldn't see how many bugs, flies, etc. we were swallowing along with the rest.

Miss Kott, who lives in the little green house back of us, and Barbara and I had quite a walk, about two miles up in the woods, this afternoon - got quantities of beautiful ferns. We struck our old pipe walk - remember it? - once, but it made Miss Kott dizzy, so we didn't take it.

You know I told you when you were here that I wanted to get some tutoring to do. Well, I have one pupil - for Caesar and the Latin prose along with it. Guess that means "Grind" for me. We will probably begin this week. Then Father and I have just come to an agreement on the subject of music lessons, and I am going to take them this summer, as he has long wanted me to. But I fear it is not a very good investment. With my sewing and help at the housework, I guess I'll have enough to keep my brain and little fingers out of serious mischief. I have several books to read for the structure course, though neither Ruby or I have the list, and we don't know what they are. I remembered Shakespeare's "King Lear" and Thackeray's "Henry Esmond" were on it, so have read those. This afternoon I read Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" - I never had before. Hope it doesn't give me bad dreams. That makes me think; when Ruby was here we had quite an exciting discussion on that everburning topic, Prom man, and the next night I dreamed of asking in a very business like way, a perfect stranger whom I remembered by name as having known when a very little girl. I was much humiliated when he, proudly drawing himself up, informed me scornfully that he'd already been invited by another girl. You see it's really beginning to prey on my mind and health.

Bed time now, and I guess I'll hie me (and Barbara) upstairs. Good night. Write soon.

Love, Mulie.