Letter Written on Jul 19, 1906

78 Main St. Kingston Plains N.H.

My Dear Jennie Louise:-

There isn't much of a breeze to-day so to get cool I have let down my hair and am sitting in my foues [?] at the foot of my bed while the room is stewn with the gowns that I have worn for the past week.

Last night I went to a dance. Enjoyed myself immensely. I was in a mix up most as bad as yours but came out all right except that I went home with a man on either side.

My housekeeping cares and worries end to-day. Ma is coming home to-night. She's been away ever since Commencement, and I've kept the house going. Peg isn't much at anything of that kind.

One of the girls and I went to the shore Hampton Beach just for the day, Saturday and we raised particular thunder. Heard from Lucy or Ruby lately? I've been owing them both a letter for so long that I doubt if they will ever write to me again. I wrote to both of them the other day. Lu does seem to be having a gay time. Poor Kenneth I hope he isn't stark crazy.

I can't seem to imagine being in Porter next year, can you? Every time I think of going back I think of dear old Rocky - Rocky's the hall, the hall, the hall - - - - - - -.

How is Helen anyway. I hope by the time she comes back she will have made her hair either all black or all red. The combination of the two is peculiar.

Do you ever hear from Martha? She told me in parting that her address was Auburn. Gentle hint. I told her mine was Kingston. That's all that has come of it as yet. Unless I lose courage I shall write to her before the summer is over.

I met a fellow (a nice one) the other day, lives in Lowell and knows Ruth Bailey and Myrtle Kilpatrick. A while ago I met a bunch of Tufts girls and one of them was in Lucy's class in High School, two others knew Esther Blaisdell. Whoopee. This world is small. You haven't run across anyone that knows me have you? When you do you may discuss me to-gether and see that you both say nice things.

How is Jonah? I should like to meet my mate. It seems kind of tough after he's all picked out that I can't meet him. I wonder if he feels the same way.

Give my love to Teddy and his family if you happen to be going by when they are there. But I suppose they aren't there much of the summer.

Remember me to Ella and "Aunt Margaret."
