W. L. U. My dear Jennie;
It was very nice of those girls to send me their love and I was glad to get it but I am sorry that the one would not send me any. You know the one I mean, the one who said give her love to all the good-looking boys I saw! I have done so and of course have carried out her request even to the letter and did not keep any for myself I know you must have had a fine time last week with so many events taking place all at once. T'was [sic] grand you had so many things while your friend was visiting you. I hope 1909 was successful all the way through and won all of the games.
We have played some baseball games and have lost some and won some. Yale put it over us right badly but we did Columbia New York up in good shape. I would rather not tell you about the game this afternoon because I think we are going to win over the same team tomorrow????
The senior banquet is supposed to be next Monday night but I am not sure whether I am going to be loyal and go or not. So many of them always get drunk and it gets so disagreeable that I don't feel much like going to such an affair. I would like mighty well though to go to the senior banquet as this is my last year. I expect it will end up in my deciding at the last moment to go and (get drunk with the others?) You see girls are born so good that they never think of doing any thing that is wrong but the boys!, well, we have been born an entirely different kind of being so we have to be on our guard all the time.
I am glad you told Ella but really after she wrote to me I had to confess that I was wrong and that she had written to me last. I didn't intend to make such an error but it just came out of its own accord.
Am so glad that you are intending sending me some inspiration. It will do me so much good for the "home stretch" in June.
One boy in the house has mumps so of course my turn has to come. Don't you envy me?
Sincerely yours
"Dick"Monday night.