My dear Jennie:Having a few leisure moments I shall answer "a seeming impertinense." [sic] No, I have no learned to dance. Last Fall I went in for it, took a few lessons, and was just beginning to get my feet untangled a little when I decided it unwise to dance here, consequently gave it up for the time being. Should circumstances prove propitious in the near future I shall probably take it up again.
You also asked about the Spring vacation. Well we little boys don't get any. You know the rest. Envy you with yours very much. Found it rather difficult to make a new start after exams were over. Do you find it so?
My greatest sport for sometime has been nursing a case of mumps. My roommate. Think of it. You see everyone else in the house is scared to come near us.
Having had them I am cheif nurse. [sic] Have read the Delineator cook books, and Ladies Home Journal to ascertain proper methods. As a result a recovery is only a matter of time. Then, besides, the case was just severe enough to be very ridiculous, and I have enjoyed it.
As for fraternity life, I really do not know Hugh's attitude toward it. As for myself I have always believed in it and have always said I would join if the right opportunity came my way.
I have turned down several "bids" since I have been here because I did not care to ally myself with the fellows. When this one came I readily accepted. Hence my present position.
Must stop and read some Dutch.
Au revoir,