A Letter Written on Aug 29, 1907


My dear Jennie:

Will it be convenient for me to spend Tuesday night in your home? Nothing preventing I shall drive to Peaanian [?] Monday, then run down on the train to Glencarlyn Tuesday, and back with Dick, if it is convenient for you to have me then Don't tell Dick that I expect to meet him there. Just a little surprise, see! He wrote to me to meet him in Londown [?] and drive him home, Hence the opportunity to realize a long desired visit to your home.

Address your letter to Paeonian Springs (in care of J. S. Simpson) and I shall then get it over there for sure.

Are you most ready for college opening? My vacation "remnant" is rapidly passing away and my schedule is yet unfinished.

Papa is waiting to take this to the office, must close. All is well and good.

Expecting to see you soon, I am

A true friend.
J. Howard.