My dear Jennie:
Your note of congratulations came to me a few days ago and I have tried hard to acknowledge it, but you see we are right in the midst of exams, and Oh! what a time I am having.
However let me now thank you for your interest in the success my friends gave me.
It is beyond doubt a case of "greatness thrust upon me." Even while building "air castles" in days gone by, I never conceived the plan for such an attainment as this proves to be. And as time passes on I see more and more clearly that the position is held by the wrong one, for there are fellows here whose faculties and capability are commensurate with the magnitude and responsibilities of the office. President of a student body constitutes the highest honor yet humblest service that can be conferred upon or expected of one of its members. Then think how little I have ever done to merit such confidence from my fellow students.
That they should so trust me is beyond my conception.
But I must pass on and get busy. Only two more days of exams. Then finals! We shall probably get home next Thursday June thirteenth. Don't know tho for sure, for Mama and Papa are coming down to finals and we expect to keep them here as long as they will stay. I'm so glad they are coming to see Dick graduate. Don't you wish the weather man would send some warmer weather before you go down on the Sound. You will have a grand time I know.
I can imagine what your play meant to you for the W. & L. Dramatic Club is preparing a play for Friday night. They are busy as bees at present. It will be the opening event of finals. Sunday is baccalaureate day, Monday Alas! The annual oratorical contest between the two Literary Societies is held that night, and I am supposed to represent my Society. Think of it. I am not anticipating a victory for I hae not had time to prepare as I should. Besides my opponents are Orators.
But I must stop and get busy lest I be found wanting tomorrow.
Very sincerely