Centerville, Ala.My dear Jennie;
Though a note composed of congratulations needs no more than thanks at most I am going to usurp some rights to write right now. I am sorry that I did not get to see you when I passed through Washington but probably I can relieve some of that sorrow when I pass through there on my way home. {We I} were rightly glad to see Ella though Ella might have been more glad to have seen some of the "other members" of the family??
I am also sorry to have missed you while you were at Berkroft (I believe that is right. I just sounded it and then spelled my best).
You ought to be down here, this is the liveliest little place I have ever struct. [?] There is something to go to every day and nearly every night. When this is nothing you know we manage to manufacture something.
I am afraid it will be hard for me to get down to work at teaching after having such a good time for so long. Don't guess I will leave here before the first of September but that is not far off any more.
Give my love to Ella and you know what else we generally say when we send such messages.
Sincerely your friend
Dick L.Monday morning.