A Letter Written on Jan 28, 1907

Hubbard House. [Smith College]

Dear Jennie:-

I am delighted with the banner that came the first of the week; it is the prettiest I ever saw, and everyone else likes it too. Thank you ever and ever so much.

As for the long promised Christmas presents to you and Clara, I really think I will send them off tomorrow. I am ashamed of the time it has taken me to do them, but I hope they will be useful.

Please excuse this paper;- it is supposed to be the newest thing but nevertheless it is not what I bought and I don't like it. I will have to write lots of letters to use it up.

How are mid-year's? I don't think they are so bad as I feared. And there is so much time to do other things in too. I have had Botany and Math, and still have Latin and Burch. [?] Isn't the cram for Math. awful. I spent about ten hours on it, and then had a pretty easy exam., but it remains to be seen whether I passed.

I am really learning how to skate some. But lately it has been too warm as you know; yesterday however we [went] out, and the ice was very good, but there were ominous crackings quite frequently which added to the excitement.

Are you allowed to come here on Sunday? If so I would like to have you people over some day, to dinner.

Thanks again and lots of love from
