A Letter Written on May 21, 1907

[The crest on the stationery is from Washington and Lee.]

My dear Jennie,

Well, the inspiration I got from "industry in others" was great and I am almost sorry it has been so great ever since. You see I have been so inspired to study that I have not even thanked you for it.

Yet I was mighty glad to get it and know that as long as I have that "symbol of industry" before me, I can know no such word as fail. I certainly am glad your friends persuaded you to go to Springfield first because I know you had a grand time and the second reason I know needs not to be mentioned again. I hope that you will give my love to those girls for having done such a good deed.

Well I have not yet gotten the mumps and am living in hopes of escaping. Yet I have been a little unfortunate because I was captured by the Pink-eye last Friday and have not been able to do a bit of studying since. In fact I doubt if I ought to be writing this letter but I felt so bad for leaving it this year long. Don't know what is wrong this morning, seems as if I can't write what I am thinking. Guess it seems like a year since I got your letter and that is what made me use year for long?

We are almost as much in need of some summer as you are. We have had very few warm days so far but are living in hopes of finding some before long.

Say, Jennie since you ask me to be "original" I will do the best I can, and in vain of such, you must excuse me if I make any rash statements. I will also try to do my best when it comes to giving girls all that is due them and if I am a gain [sic] so unfortunate as to make another serious mistake I hope you will again be so kind as to point out to me my error. If it is as hard for girls to be good as it is for boys I think they deserve a great deal more credit because they certainly are a great deal better than it is possible for boys to be it makes no difference how hard they try. Of course there are always exceptions to every rule but that only serves to prove; the rule.

Jennie you don't know how proud I am of "Bus." Just think of it, he was elected President of the student body, for next year. That is really the highest honor in the eyes of most people, that is even conferred upon one of the students. I'm afraid he will be to[o] distinguised for me if I don't soon hurry up and make a start. But I'll soon be advancing since I have such inspiration as I now am getting. Thanking you again for it, I am

Truly your friend

May 21, 1907.