A Letter Written on Jan 1, 1907

43 Seventh St.,
Jan. 1. 1907.

Dear Jennie.

Thank you very much indeed for the calendar. I have thought for several years that I really must have one of those calendars. It makes one part of our sitting room look very nice indeed. It will give me great pleasure all the year.

I suppose you are about returning to your duties. I had to teach to-day and yesterday. Ida didn't and that made it worse.

I hope you will come and see us soon and stay longer than before.

With every good wish for the New Year.

Your friend.
Lucia A. Coleman

[A second letter was in the same envelope.]

My dear Jennie,

A dear little letter opener came to me at Christmas time and although it had slipped its moorings, a certain card which seemed to go with it bore your name and mine and so I appropriated it. I am going to thank you for it too just as though I was dead sure of it and tell you that I think lots of the little remembrance.

I suppose you are thinking to-day of setting your face collegeward. It does seem delightful to see the sun on this first day of the new year. I hope it is a foretaste of many more sunny days.

Hoping nineteen hundred seven will be the brightest and happiest of all so far

Sincerely yours
Ida J. Rich

43 Seventh Street