A Letter Written on Dec 1, 1906

Dear Jennie,

I won't promise that this will be a very long letter but I can assure you that it has been long getting on the road. It is Saturday afternoon and there isn't even a man in sight (the butcher don't count) to exclaim about as you did in your letter.

Mother has gone to the dentist and Hadassah is in the parlor assuring me that a bag she is making for Christmas is so bad that she will have to give it to me instead of one of our aunts.

Jock is behind the stove drying off after a bath Baddie has just given him. He looks remarkably white and shivery.

Outside the wind is whistling and pushing all sorts of clouds across the sky and now I believe you have something of the atmosphere in which this is being scratched off.

Yesterday evening May, Baddie and I went over to secure a book from Ella and when she mentioned the time you were expected home I just began to think this had better be hustled off or you wouldn't be at college to get it. That would be dreadful. Oh the Dickens!

Hadassah says she and May wrote to you yesterday, and told all the news. Margaret and I went to town on some Christmas errands and so did not hear of it.

Did you get your box safe and sound and are you still sound in health? I wanted to contribute some soda mints but Ella didn't seem to think they would be necessary.

Guess you had a little cooler Thanksgiving than we. (a) It was really very pleasant down here. (b) We didn't have either Curtis or Will home and so are still eating turkey. Don't connect sentences a & b. They do sound bad when put together. Just happened to notice them. It was really dreadful not to have them. We did have one sub. but he didn't quite fill the bill.

Sliced turkey for Sunday! Now you will know if he had made the proper opening it would at least have been stew if not soup.

Well it is most time for me to go play Bridget. I hope that fern has kept up its promise and grown rapidly. Mine have just begun to grow. Have been taking a long snooze following the example of their owner.

So long for now. Will see you soon.

Your sincere friend
C. A. B. [a note on the back of the envelope suggests this is Constance Backus]

Glencarlyn Va
Dec 1.
Hurrah! That's the day my pay begins on. Just happened to think of it.
Yours Constance