A Letter Written on Aug 10, 1907

Aug. 10 - '07

Dear Jennie:-

Seems to me last summer we exchanged letters - Why not this summer? I don't want you people to become perfect strangers to us and next year I am going to make a special point to be with you girls more - if you will let me - Wilder you know is next to Mead and we ought to manage it don't you think, we must.

Well - are you resting up good this summer? I suppose next year will be no snap for us but I am anticipating it with great pleasure.

I am at home for this [...] past this vacation, and it is very slow here, for every body is away - but I am certainly getting good & rested - which will come in handy I believe for the Fall -

I am Reading pretty steadily for 19th Cent. Prose - which I am rescheduled for, just now deep in the third volume of Carlyle, of which life [?] there are 4 vols, I enjoy it too - I am getting to be a Regular "plug" - but that's my aim to a certain extent. Studies will be first with me next year - I didn't do much Sophomore year & now I've turned over a new leaf - You wait till you see how much studies [sic] I am, I should love to hear from you Jennie - & I am always

Your friend
R. M. Bailey

15 Newcastle Rd! Brighton, Mass.