My dear Jennie:-If you will take a short letter alright, I only have a few minute[s] before I go to get supper.
I received your letter some time ago and was very glad to hear from you once more, for you know it had been a long time since you wrote to me.
Well I have been having right much fun lately, infact [sic] too much for my health for I have not been very well.
Last week I went up to Stephen City to attend a House-party given by Cecelia and Louise Miller. My, but I did have a grant time. There were six girls and five boys staying there and don't say we did not have fun. A Mr. Hack from Baltimore was there with his automobile, therefore I had several nice auto. rides.
Mama has gone up to see your mother this evening and it is pouring down rain up here.
Maude and Dick seem to be having a grand time down Newport News. I would love to go down there but really it is too hot for me to go away now. I stay at home and wear as few clothes as I possibly can, this kind of weather.
Every thing is quiet around here this summer, I believe there are to be some picnic's [sic] later.
Well my dear child it is now time for me to "get busy" so I must "skiddoo".
How do you like house keeping? Don't you imagine I fell big for 4 new nineteen (19) Tuesday July 23 - Ha! ha! not near so big as I have felt.
Write to me when ever you can for I always enjoy your letters. Hoping to see you soon I am,
Yours devotedly
"Ada B." [Backus]Thursday, July 25, 1907