A Letter Written on Jan 6, 1915

[It appears the letter was written in 1914, but the envelope is postmarked 1915; thus this is the classic New Year mistake of using the old year in the early days of the new year.]

Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, Massachusetts

Department of Zoölogy

Jan. 6, 1914 [sic]

My dear Miss Olcott -

I am sorry your inclosures were incomplete. It was good of you to write about it. The blanks came very late and I suppose whoever filled the envelopes passed yours by mistake. The returns so far indicate much diversity of opinion but real interest on the part of alumnae, and I am sure we shall find the venture a profitable one.

Hoping to see you here again, believe me,

Loyally yours,
Abby H. Turner