A Letter Written on Jun 28, 1841

Hanover Friday Mar. 24th 1848

My Ever Dear Madelia

I have now seated_ myself in Aunts sitting-room, with the intention_ of writing to my friend_ Madelia.

I rec'd your very kind_ letter last week_ & have neglected writing on account_ of the great dislike_ I have to writing _letters_ owing probably to my last procrastination.

As your letter was_ directed to Warren_ most probably you did not know of my being in Hanover_.

I have now been_ here three week's_ and am attending school to Miss Taggard_ a female school_ like very much indeed_. Study Grammar "Geography of the Heavens" Moral Science & Composition_ Miss Taggard graduated to Charlestown_ She is a very fine teacher_ very amiable they all love her very much_. She has an excellent mind. I shall stay here until fall_ certain_ if not longer_. if my health will permit_.

What are you attending to_ now_ & are you_ going another year_ Has Mary been received?_ & Eliza? [she draws her question marks backwards, curving to the left instead of the right]

Why does Mary not answer my letters_ that I wrote her last term_ tell her_ Lizzie has not forgotten her although_ She is inclined to think she has forgotten her. What beautiful weather_ we have now_? I have been listening to the birds this morning_ as they carolled forth their sweet songs and I felt the spirit of Spring_ in my own bossom_ so I think the children do_ for I hear them capering_ about in all the heigh-day of youth & freedom. but with such beautiful weather if one has_ not good health_ they cannot enjoy it_ I have been afflicted for a day_ or two past with the sore-throat & a hoarse cold_ which has depressed my spirits_ & I feel rather melancholy_ probably on account of my_ having so many of them, & so often_

Poor Sarah Wales_ I am afraid_ is not long for this world I heard by Sarah S_ that she was low._ Such is life_ I do not know whether she know's how she is_ perhap_ you know_ more about it than I do_ It is time for me to observe my practice hours_ & am in hopes when_ I am seated again I shall be in better spirits_ _

Friday evening_ I will now resume my writings I rec'd a letter from home - all well_ They wrote that Mr. Manly_ & wife_ were going to work at your_ house_ I should think that would be very pleasant both for your folks & them_ I think you will like her she is very agreeable_.

How often do you hear from Warren_. You missed that grand_ wedding in Warren_ It was quite an affair for that small place_. You said you supposed another would come off when E H Ramsdale was married_ but you_ know Lizzie_ intends to do nothing of that kind_ she is not to be a Slave for any man.

Is that young clerk Hill_ in South Hadley yet_? I wonder if Madelia ever see's him_.

I understand that_ Miss Tyler & Bosworth_ are published_ most probably they will soon partake_ of matrimonial sweet's_

I see Sarah Stockbridge quite often_ She has been down here and spent two_ days. - She has quite recovered her health. Cousin Elizabeth & her husband_ have been down her & spent the Sabbath_ I think of going up week after next_.

I presume you have heard_ of S. Nichols & Jenks courtship she has his daguerotype [sic] in a gold locket_ & they ride around all of the time_ I think she is very much taken up with him.

I suppose you are soon going_ home_ to make another [...] I would like to see you very much_ _ Most probaly_ [sic] we have spent more time together_ in each other's society than_ we shall again_ at present_ if ever_ I wish I might_ see you & Mary vacation_ but that is impossible_. Please tell Mary to write me_ soon a letter is a choice article_ I consider it next to seeing the person_ & as you know by experience_ the joy found in receiving a letter so I hope you will answer this and excuse all mistak's_ [sic] Before I forget it Jane Russell is a married lady so I hear_ that is mysterious_ I do not know what to think of it I am sure_. Is that Miss Harriet_ I forgot her name_ is she at the Seminary_ or is that fatal destroyer Consumption preying about her_ and with its rapid flight_ hurrying her_ taken where no traveller ever_ returns_ Please remember me_ as a friend_ & cox_ & do_ not forget me_ but write often and will Mary please once in a while when she is thinking of those she holds dear_ call one anxious thought_ to Lizzie_ from your affec- friend
